
SD Group

Systen Diary

SD Group's core brand "System Diary".
It is a long-established notebook brand that created the first system notebook in Japan in 1968.

We focus on originality and originality such as 8-hole elliptical ring, just pocket size, and high weather resistant aqua smart paper.

System Diary is Japan's first system notebook developed in 1968, inspired by the basic system structure of computers. Just pocket size of the concept that the notebook must always be worn and carried. A binder that uses an 8-hole elliptical ring in pursuit of durability and ease of use. A long-established brand of system notebook with unique features such as high weather resistance and high water resistance aqua smart paper.


SD JET creates a new world of business jets in Japan.

business JetBusiness jet operation service

The age of business jets is finally here in Japan. As the security checks at airports become more and more stringent, business jets can quickly travel within Japan and Asia to expand business opportunities flexibly. In addition, airports and airfields throughout Japan are actively expressing their acceptance of small aircraft.
SD JET creates a new world of business jets in Japan by widely supporting from aircraft sales/leasing to storage/maintenance and charter operation.

SD Green Energy

As a small wind turbine manufacturer,
SD Green Energy brings you the future of renewable energy.

From small wind power generation to geothermal and hydropower.
And then to the next stage...

The newly introduced "SD6J" in Japan has led the world market for small wind turbines in terms of quality and durability due to its unique downwind design. As a manufacturer of small wind power generators, we will pursue the potential of renewable energy and promote domestic and overseas expansion.